Monday, August 31, 2009


Today the contractor poured the concrete slabs!!! Here is a picture of the living room floor - step no more!! All one level: (the concrete is still drying so its much darker than the existing floor)

Here's the alcove. (yes- the purple paint will be going away.)The slab for the bathroom/closet: Here is the NEW Porch off the master bedroom where Rob and Sunny and I will be drinking coffee and reading the Sunday paper. (But first the window has to become a door, and the 'roof' needs to be put on.)I'm so excited! I can't wait for it to be done! (I know, I know, - we have a long way to go. Just let me revel in the moment!)

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I think we have a pomegranate tree - or is it a bush? Here's a couple pics of the fruit growing from it. Looks like pomegranate to me. What do you think? Will I be mixing pomegranate martinis at the housewarming?? :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Movin along...

In addition to our addition, Rob and I decided to remove this step in the living room floor:

This will involve moving the sliding glass door, pouring in concrete, and then replacing the door. Today the floor was being prepped and the sliding door has been removed!

Things are progressing on the bathroom which is also being prepped for concrete footers.

And here is the view from the master bedroom window-( soon to be a door!)- to the side yard where the new porch will be!

They are hoping to pour concrete on Friday! Can't wait!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Very Exciting!!

When I pictured a third bathroom this isn't what I had in mind:
That's right! An outhouse in the front yard!! But seriously, the work has begun on our addition! Here are a few pics of the 'groundbreaking":That trench is the outline of our new master bath and closet:
And the two holes here are for the posts of our new porch:

That window will soon become a door! I can't wait!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Paint, Paint and more Paint.

Today was a day of painting. And there is still more painting to do. Rob hates painting, almost as much as he hates yard work. Here he is painting the new wall in the garage and the new garage ceiling.

Notice that I did not show his expression.

I did lots of painting, too- both bedroom ceilings. My arms are really sore tonight! I also mowed the yard, took care of the pool and cleaned up some leaves. I want things to look nice for the contractor when he digs in on Tuesday! (So exciting!)

We also picked up some new doors- 2 for the hall closets, and one for the entrance into the house from the garage. They are gonna look great!

Lots should be happening this week so I'll be posting again soon!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yippee! Progress!!

First things first: A big Happy Birthday to my Dad and to Cousin Ryan!!

Now on the remodeling front:
This past week the popcorn ceilings came off and some drywall work was done. We are very pleased with the results. The man who did the work is named Nery Palma. He came highly recommended by our friends Pat and Kirk. Thanks for the great recommendation!

Here is a before of the gap where we took the wall out:

Now keep in mind we haven't painted yet! Here is the completed wall/ceiling:

Remember the linen closet in the bathroom?

Here it is with finished drywall:

And here is the former air handler closet:

And here it is with finished dry wall. Now it needs paint, shelves, and a new door:And here's a photo of the old popcorn ceiling:

And the new smooth (unpainted) ceiling:

Now we have lots of painting to do!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Snuggie for Dogs? Really?

I could never get Sunny to wear this. Never- unless it was dipped in beef broth first and then he'd just eat it! Check this out:

Back to the remodeling:
Today the garage wall is getting insulation and new drywall, and the popcorn ceiling is coming off!! I'll post some pictures next time!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Farewell Uncle Bob

My Uncle Bob lost his battle with lung cancer this past week. He was laid to rest today in Indiana. Rest in Peace Uncle Bob. We'll miss you. Here is a link to his obituary. He lived a long, full life!