Sunday, August 16, 2009

Paint, Paint and more Paint.

Today was a day of painting. And there is still more painting to do. Rob hates painting, almost as much as he hates yard work. Here he is painting the new wall in the garage and the new garage ceiling.

Notice that I did not show his expression.

I did lots of painting, too- both bedroom ceilings. My arms are really sore tonight! I also mowed the yard, took care of the pool and cleaned up some leaves. I want things to look nice for the contractor when he digs in on Tuesday! (So exciting!)

We also picked up some new doors- 2 for the hall closets, and one for the entrance into the house from the garage. They are gonna look great!

Lots should be happening this week so I'll be posting again soon!

1 comment:

Melissa Johnson said...

Hey! I've been slacking off on checking your blog! WOW - lots going on at the new house. When can we move in? Miss u guys! Hi Sunner!!