Saturday, June 20, 2009

DEMO! Woo Hoo!

More demo today! We took apart an old closet where the air handler used to be. The previous owners threw some shelves in, but it still had the old sheet metal and the door didn't go all the way to the floor: and it had a sweet fold-down ironing board! :)

Here's what it looks like after a little Demo:

Now it needs the walls patched, a door and some shelves. I'm not sure what we'll use this closet for, but I have a few ideas! Cousin Brian was nice enough to help us today! He pulled up the tile in the spare bathroom. Thanks cousin!

We also started the demo of the kitchen wall! Very exciting!

Brian was ready to knock out the 2x4's, but Rob needs to move some electrical stuff first. :)

We met with our designer Jeremy this morning and the plans for our addition are almost complete and ready to submit for permits! If any of you plan to remodel your house Jeremy is really great!

So long for now!

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