Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reading reccomendations

I like to read. Pretty much every night before I go to bed I read a book and I've come across some really good books lately. So, I thought I'd share my recent favorites with you.

First up is "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein:
I LOVED this book!! If you don't fall in love with Enzo, Denny, Eve and Zoe, I'll eat my shoe! Warning: tear jerker alert!! I think this book is even better than Marley and Me. Gasp! Better than Marley you say? Marley was a story about a dog. This book is a story told by a dog. Give this one a try. You will not be disappointed.

Next up is a very fun read by Sophie Kinsella. She wrote the Shopaholic series, which I also loved. This new story, "Twenties Girl", is full of fun and an easy read:

You'll enjoy the wacky family dynamics and I loved the ghostly aunt!

Next is a book my Mom gave me for my birthday. The story is told in a series of letters:

When you are finished with it, you'll want to visit the island of Guernsey the same way I want to! I had no idea the Channel Islands were occupied during WWII. Thanks Mom!

Lastly, a book about a girl who receives a kidney transplant and sets off on a road trip to find out about the guy who donated it to her. "Driving Sideways" by Jess Riley

She encounters some people and adventures on her trip, and finds all kinds of things she's not looking for! Isn't that just like the journey of life?

Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

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